Travel day

Woke up, started laundry, made breakfast (merguez sausage, eggs, and rice), went climbing, ran a 5k in 23:45, and then went home. By the time I got home, my co-workers were already at the airport, and I had yet to even pack. Eh.

Got to the airport with plent of time to spare, and hung out in the lounge until our flight. The flight to Istanbul was pretty uneventful, other than it being my first flight outside of Economy. The lay flat seats were nice, and the food was decent.

We landed in Istanbul and spent the layover in the Turkish Lounge, which was definitely a step up from hanging out at the gate.

On the flight from Istanbul to Zurich, pretty much all of us worked on perf, all being pretty much everyone sitting in business class. Evidently, lots of Googlers were on the IST to ZRH flight that night. One even looked over at Libby and asked without any other introduction, “Are you working on perf?”.

After landing, we met up with Ajay at the hotel, planned out the week about bit, and hit the hay.