Snorkling on the north shore

Woke up early, got some nosh and coffee from Java Kai, and then headed to Hanalei for a boat tour of the north shore and some snorkeling.

The trip along the north shore was beautiful, saw some spinner dolphins and the terrain Amy and I had hiked a few days previous. Seeing the remainder of the trail that we didn’t hike was an inspiration. If I ever come back, getting a permit and hiking the rest of the Kalalau is definitely on the list.

When we reached the end, we snorkeled for about an hour where we saw all manner of fish and a white tipped reef shark.

The boat was rigged up with a great sound system and the guide, Red, or the captain, Don, had great taste in classic rock. So that was cool.

Coming back from the boat tour, we hit up The Green Pig for lunch (solid food), checked out the Kapa’a farmer’s market, then killed time in Java Kai before heading to dinner at Hamura’s.

Following dinner, we drove along the south shore out to Salt Pond park in Hanapepe to stargaze. It’s amazing how many stars are drowned out by light pollution! Saw a bunch of shooting stars and identified a few different constellations. We did notice one puzzling thing I’m still working on figuring out. In Sagittarius, there was a still object that blinked once every 30 seconds. Not sure.