
After a lazy morning, we rented snorkle gear and meandered up to the north shore. First stop was shave ice from Hee Fat General Store, then food from the House of Noodles (nothing special). From there we headed to Queen’s Bath, but the line for a parking spot was three cars deep, so we bailed and went to Tunnels. Snorkeled there for a bit, then sat out and read. After the second rain shower, we packed it in.

We ended up back in Hanalei, and grabbed coffee (meh) and a super tasy gluten free brownie from Hanalei Bread Company. From there, we went back to Queen’s Bath, which was amazing! We saw only a few other people out. Because it was late in the day, Amy and I were some of the last people there, so we had the pool to our selves as the sun set. Pretty great. Did a little tide pooling, too.

After cleaning up from the muddy path, we tried to walk in to Bar Acuda (despite my protests, Amy’s never head the song…smh). Turns out you need a reservation. Kauai’s grown up a bit, it seems. So we got a reservation for 7pm on Sunday and walked across the street to Kalypso’s, a sports/tiki bar with standard fair.