Back on Kauai

We woke up early and got on the plane from OAK to Maui, then Maui to Lihue.

Even at the airport, Sophie was stoked to be there
Even at the airport, Sophie was stoked to be there

First stop was Hamura’s, of course. Sophie wasn’t terribly impressed by the saimin, but I’ve never seen her face light up like when she tasted the lilikoi pie. We ordered a second slice.

After Hamura’s, we hit up Walmart for propane and snacks. Turns out they only have the Coleman cylinders, so we ended up at Kayak Kauai, which luckily carries them. As it turned out, we could have just scavenged for them on the trail, but so it goes.

We got to our airbnb, then went to the beach! The water was great, and the weather perfect. At one point, we even got a sun shower.

We showered off, then went for drinks at the St. Regis. At the bar, the bartender asked if I was Ashley’s brother. When we facetimed my mom from the bar to wish her a happy birthday, we figured out she’s one of Uncle Lotin’s grandchildren.

After drinks, we bailed on our reservation, we didn’t feel like blowing so much money on an unremarkable meal that we would have rushed through to get to bed. So, we went back to Kapa’a and hit up the noodle house.

After dinner, we repackage and went right to bed.