Mr. John woke us up with tea. What kind of luxe shit is this? At the time, I was half a world away dreaming that I was in a restaurant/something close to a Google cafe. Natasha was definitely involved, we had a big group table downstairs, and we were going somewhere together. Vishanka (but not her. She looked like some one else, blonde, used a cane) ordered a sugar doughnut, but they only had glazed sugar donuts. That was ok. 500 calories, still. It turned out we had less time than we thought, so I went upstairs to the kitchen to get the attention of the staff to try to get everything to go. The kitchen staff was busy, so to get their attention, I basically threw a shit fit by piling my three bags right in the walk way in front of the counter, blocking the way. As soon as the staff noticed, a couple other people in our group were coming up the stairs, one of whom was Not-Vishanka, and then I woke up to mr. John, chai, and the Himalayas. Ok.
Hiked up, will attach pictures when I can.
One photo of a beehive/shrine to the God of work.
First snow in our path
Snow hovels
Bear tracks
Got back. Had lemon and honey tea. Passed out for a bit, had dinner. Finished dinner, went dancing. Taught the kids thriller, the chicken dance, the shopping cart, and wanted to teach them to tweak, but Catherine gave me the stink eye. Probably for the best. Then around ten we went to bed. Venga boys is playing. boom boom boom, I want you in my room.