Hiking day one: McLeod ganj to Kareri village

Get up and out, grab a what looks like a veggie turnover, and eat it in front of the guest house. Girl passes by, asking where I got it. Start talking. She got to India two days ago, and mcleodganj less than an hour ago. She decides to join my trek.

We trek the day, then get to a little village that evening. We hang around for a bit,my then our guide takes us around the village to meet his brother and his family. They’re adorable and invite us to a dance that night in honor of another villager’s upcoming marriage.

We eat dinner. That was a hell of an experience. Write more about it.

After dinner, Catherine decides it’s bed time, so she passes out, mr. John and I watch a bit of cricket with the local school teacher, then head to the dance.

I saw a twelve year old boy from a tiny village in the Himalayas that probably has no more than 1,000 USD pass through it a year make it rain. We danced.

I went to bed. Then they played delhiwali girlfriend.