Keflavik to Vik

After landing, I spent a couple minutes getting my bearings at the airport. Honestly, it feels a lot like any other American airport, just with better signage.

I tried to get a snack, but the shop required a boarding pass and was for departing passengers only. Tax reasons?

I met up with Ash in baggage claim and we picked up our car. We stopped in town and got coffee while we waited for the breakfast place to open up. I was almost passing out after having been awake for basically 48 hours straight. At ten, we headed over to The Laundromat Cafe and had an fantastic breakfast! We split the basic veggie (two eggs OE, toast, and roasted tomatoes) and blue berry and caramelized banana pancakes. The bananas and tomatoes were so flavorful that I overcame my aversion to both and scarfed them down. They were that amazing!

Sated, we picked up road trip supplies from the grocery store across the street and got outta town. Almost immediately, I passed out cold. Getting in the car and closing my eyes felt glorious. Sometime later I woke up to this:

Gorgeous falls
Gorgeous falls

We spent the afternoon playing on them.

After, we drove another two hours to Vík and got the last available room in the entire town. Both Ash and I were passed out by 6pm.