Rafting and the million dollar cowboy

Got up just in time to grab breakfast at nine, then went for a hike up one of the ski slopes behind the resort. Between the altitude and the elevation, I was sucking wind, but still managed to keep up with the group from Boulder.

Saw something bird like scurry across the path, which turned out to be a grouse!

Flying skunk?
Flying skunk?

We got closer to it and snapped a couple photos, then accidentally scared it off, pro,print it to roost in a tree that we then noticed happened to contain a bear cub. So we backed way the hell off and took pictures of it from afar. On our way down the hill, we saw the mother checking us out with the cub playing around her feet.

We grabbed lunch at a thai restaurant (thai seems disproportionately popular in Jackson) then got on the bus to go rafting. It was good fun, mostly class two and three, cold, but not miserable. After getting back we grabbed dinner, a hot shower, then headed into town.

I shit you not, they had saddles for bar stools
I shit you not, they had saddles for bar stools

I was in bed by 12:30, but a good time was had by all!