Clusterfuck getting out of SFO

The flight out of SFO was delayed by two something hours, which put us in SLC an hour after our connecting flight left for JAC, so after what I’m sure were a bunch of frantic calls between the travel agent(s), delta, and Dawn (the admin arranging everything) Delta chartered an extra flight to JAC for us! So that worked out well.

In the time waiting around the airport for people to resolve things (thanks everyone!) I reworked my Norway to JFK flight to at least give me a chance of making the JFK to Austin leg, talked with Rob about who’s paying June rent and how.

The flight to SLC was mostly unremarkable, except for the kid in the row in front of me who lost his shit the poor guy did not want to sit in his seat. He wanted to sit next to daddy! He was so upset he sounded like he was going to puke a few times. Rough. 20 minutes into the flight he passed out, though, so easy. Otherwise, just worked on transcribing for the web ahead.

Salt Lake really is just a giant salt lake. From the air, it looks totally dead and like just a wasteland.

Maybe pretty from a certain perspective, but paradise is a bit of a stretch.
Maybe pretty from a certain perspective, but paradise is a bit of a stretch.


Flight into JAC was easy. Walked off the plane, picked up our bags off the tarmac and walked onto a waiting charter bus. Which broke down multiple times on the way to the hotel. As we passed through town, the bus was enveloped in a large cloud of what smelled like coolant. After that, we limped forward a quarter mile at a time, with the engine cutting out us, pulling over the bus restarting. It finally died an ignoble death on the side of the road near a river where it idled itself dead. The hotel then rolled taxis to get us the last few miles.

Once at the hotel, we ate dinner, talked, drank, and played cards till almost 4am.