An actual rest day

In honor of Canada day, and not at all because everyone was feeling pretty rough, so we didn’t set alarms and slept in. I woke up a bit before everyone else and made crepes, nominally for Tiffany’s birthday. Sophie even bought a little candle that sung happy birthday in a wonderfully derpy way.

After breakfast, we lounged around until it was time to leave for tea. Once in the car, I promptly passed out for almost the entire hour drive. The tea itself was unremarkable, but the spread was astounding. Salmon , mushroom, and, tomato bruschetta, full sized egg salad sandwiches, scones, and a dessert spread that was incredible. We didn’t finish it all.

After, we drove out to Maligne Lake (I passed out again). Wade and I found a shady spot by the lake and took a nap while Tiffany and Sophie explored. Naps accomplished, we took a stroll along the lake.

The drive home was beautiful, then we made pizza and went to bed.