Day Twenty Nine: Massage Day V

Today we ran through a whole massage, start to finish. At the end of the day, we had a graduation ceremony, complete with certificates, so you know it’s official.

I think the woman handing out the certificates is the head of the school, not sure, never met her. The woman on the right is Nim, our instructor.
I think the woman handing out the certificates is the head of the school, not sure, never met her. The woman on the right is Nim, our instructor.

That night we went out to celebrate graduation. And see Thor’s girlfriend Pear play at Elvis. She’s a total badass.

The set list:

The farang crew in Chiang Mai: Me, Marissa, Kerry, David, Aaron (+Pear absolutely slaying it in the background)
The farang crew in Chiang Mai: Me, Marissa, Kerry, David, Aaron (+Pear absolutely slaying it in the background)
The side car looked like a frog. I swear.
The side car looked like a frog. I swear.