Tavel to Singapore

Shortest fourteen hour flight ever. Stayed up till close to three pacific time, then slept most of the way. Routinely woke up with a mouth that was bone dry (an awkward feeling) so took a sip of water from a bottle that magically appeared itself in my seat and went back to sleep.

Made some progress on the transcript for The Web Ahead episode 113, but evidently mostly slept.

The connection flight was easy. Finished out the transcript and started reviewing and correcting it.

It’s almost 90 degrees and humid as fuck in Singapore. What the shit.

Got off the plane, took a cab to the hotel, changed, and started exploring. Ended up on Duxton lane, found a cute little bookstore, then found a Spanish tapas place, that of all things, had Jamon Iberico. That was awesome.

Justin met up with us, then the three of us walked back to the hotel, met up with Katie, and all four of us got dinner at The Public Izakaya. Meh.