Ink pots in the ground and in the sky!

Woke up not quite early enough with the aim of heading to Lake Morain, but were turned away (one car out, one car in). So instead we continued on out to Lake Louise where, predictably, the sights were incredible.

Also, it turns out there is some incredible climbing at the back of the lake.

We however, hiked out to a tea house that can only be hiked (or helicoptered to), with no electricity. The staff hikes in, works for five days, bunking down in cabins near the tea house, and then hikes out. Not a bad life.

The hike beyond the tea house was a huge slog, the last kilometer or so along a super steap spine with a huge drop. Slipping would be bad news bears.

Hiking back, it rained a bit, but just enough to make things look ominous and encourage us to not lolygag.

Driving back, we detoured out to Lake Morain, where there were more beautiful views.